Monday, May 14, 2018

Mother's Day

This big girl has something say...

"I hope you had a great Mother's Day, Mommy!"

"I may be too little to know much about the world, but I already know my favourite place in it. Right next to you!"

Over the last few weeks we've really enjoyed the outdoors. We're getting out of the house and exposing Arabella to the world. We're still hyper-cautious over germs, hand washing, etc., but compared to last year we're on a whole new level. A normal level!

It feels so good to get out there. 

This was our first Mother's Day at home (last year we were in the hospital, of course) and this time it felt amazing to be able to celebrate comfortably and quietly. 

If Arabella could talk, she'd say, "Thank you for all the time you spend with me, Mommy. For all the walks to the park while dad is at work, for making me laugh and smile, for playing with me, feeding me, spending so much time with me, and giving me so much love. You mean everything to me!"

"I love you, Mommy" 💗

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