Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween

One pumpkin inside another 😄. But which one do you think weighs more? Belle is 11.5 pounds at the moment...and the pumpkin weighs over 18! 

Kiera and I couldn't stop laughing as we snapped these photos. And Arabella was such a good sport, too. She didn't cry or grimace once. 

So what is Arabella's Halloween costume this year, you ask? 

Supergirl! She's our superhero daughter, so it's only fitting that she wears the 'S' on her chest. She deserves it. After everything she's been through, she's definitely the perfect candidate 😊

"Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird. It's a plane. It's Supergirl!"

Even the dreaded 'tummy time' is no match for her! 😂

And here she is showing off her super teether...

She does a great job of managing it by herself!

Everyone is so very proud of you Supergirl. You're more amazing than you know!

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Halloween!

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