Thursday, October 12, 2017

Picture day: October 6 - 10

We took a trip to a local farm on Tuesday. "Yee-haw!" said Arabella. She looked like a genuine country girl 😍. The only thing we were missing was a cowgirl hat! 

We were in search of some pumpkins, and this particular farm is always the best place to go. It has all kinds of activities for kids too, like a barnyard zoo, a corn maze, wagon rides, bouncer castles, a playground - you name it! It's also a great place to snap a few photos!

The weather was fantastic. We made sure to soak it in...

So many pumpkins to choose from..."Which one should we get Belle?"

We grabbed the biggest one we could find. It actually weighed more than Arabella! 

But maybe we'll carve it closer to Halloween, and that way it won't rot too soon...

So if you count Arabella, we ended up taking home two pumpkins that afternoon! 😉

"Well that was fun, wasn't it? We should do this again next year, and the year after that!"

Belle had a pretty good week...but they're all good weeks in our books.


She's been getting a lot better at tummy time. She's holding her head up for longer periods of time these days, and that's a relief because we were worried about her for a while.

Walks around the neighbourhood are my favourite. Everyone gets a dose of fresh air, and we all get to break away for a moment 😊

The days and weeks continue to pass by so quickly. Thanksgiving came and went in the blink of an eye. Before you know it we'll be looking ahead to Christmas...

Kiera's already talking about the Christmas tree. Each year she demands that we put it up right after Remembrance Day. I imagine that this year won't be much different!

Arabella's such a sweetheart. We're so lucky to be her parents!

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