Monday, May 29, 2017

A day in pictures

Good morning world!

Is it time to eat yet? Who will wipe my mouth? 
And where's my soos?

There it is! 
Thanks Mommy. Now I need you to hold it for me. 
Also, I have a surprise for you in my diaper. Shhhh!

What's this nurse doing? Oh!
Sitting up isn't so bad. 

Ahhhh, never-mind! Put me down! 

Is this the food I didn't finish from lunch? Do I have to eat these leftovers?

That was too much fun you guys. 
I need a moment now.

I love it when my parents hold me. Somehow I feel better when I'm closer to them. 

Dad talks to me constantly. I don't want to make him feel awkward, so I pretend like I'm listening. 

Maybe he'll stop if I just close my eyes. 
Oh good, he did. 

How did I end up back here in my crib?

I wish I could take this mask off. It hurts my face, and the air upsets my tummy. Mom and dad tell me that I'm being really strong. They keep telling me that one day they will take me home. What is home?

Hmm...I wonder what this "home" is...

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