Thursday, May 11, 2017

Belle Update: May 10

Touchdown for team Arabella! 🏈

She really likes to have her hands close to her face. That's her signature move. That's when she's most comfortable. We know not to wrap her arms inside the blanket since that would only frustrate her. She needs to have her arms free to move as she desires, so naturally we comply. 

Belle is the boss. 

She's been doing really well over the last few days. She tolerated the drop in her morphine without any issues. Yesterday it was sitting at 10mcg/kg/hr, and today it was 9. The nurses will drop it by 1 every 48 hours until it's done and gone. We'll see how that continues. 

We've had some admirable moments with Belle over the last few days. Lots of cuddles 💜 

This evening I held her for as long as I possibly could. The hours passed by too quickly. Where does the time go? Why can't we just hit pause or slow down the clock for these certain moments? But instead the time only seems to go faster. At one point I consciously thought to myself, "This is the last time you'll ever see her this small. You better soak it in."

Everyday Belle grows just a touch, and week to week the gains are steady. The nurses have started talking about Arabella going into a crib soon. 

She's getting to be such a big girl!

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