Thursday, May 25, 2017


She's still working hard to breathe on the cannula, but she's holding her ground. Belle's one tough girl! 

Today she just didn't want to settle down like she typically does, and it was obvious that she was extra agitated. We tried everything to comfort her. It's hard to pin-point the exact cause of her frustrations sometimes. 

We know that it's perfectly okay for her to be fussy here and there. That's expected. But today it was a visible and prolonged state of displeasure. Her breathing was irregular. It took Belle longer to relax and get comfortable. Her sleeps were much shorter and lighter.

Something wasn't quite right. 

Soos patrol could barely help.

It could potentially be the morphine. The IV drip was finally turned off last night, after weeks of weaning her down to almost nothing. 

Belle might have noticed 😮

She's always been very sensitive to even the smallest change. 

Into the late night, Arabella got quite unruly, and the nurse eventually gave her a tiny oral dose of morphine. It was a tiny amount but it seemed to do the trick, and she was finally able to calm down. 

The nurse wrapped and bound Arabella tightly, and she lay like a cocooned caterpillar 😁

Perhaps she's working on her transformation, a metamorphosis of sorts?

You can't just rush through the caterpillar stage. It takes time to flourish - and one day Belle will surely emerge as the butterfly she's always been destined to be. 

One day she will soar 💜

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