Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Belle Update: May 23

She looks like such a big girl! 😍

Arabella had a quick moment of reflux this afternoon, so the nurse sat her up for a minute while she settled. 

Belle is still on the cannula. Her breaths have been generally short, quick, and at times very deep. She's working harder to breathe compared to the CPAP mask, but she's been a tough and strong girl up to this point, so for now the staff are going to keep her on the cannula. 

The nurses ensured us that she's being closely monitored, and we need not worry. They can always go back to the mask if Belle falls behind and needs extra help.

Kiera had a hard time watching her little girl breathe so quick and heavy. I agree that the staff are pushing Arabella a little too quickly, but on the other hand they really are watching her constantly. 

Kiera herself said that she was overdue for a good cry today. She needed an outlet for her frustrations. We lightened the mood by joking that mom might need the CPAP mask soon too, to help her breathe and keep her calm. Can we get that in an adult size, please? 😄

Both of my girls were tuckered out eventually 💗

It's not easy for mom sometimes. She's been worried about her Tinkerbell during the transition from ventilator, to CPAP and now to the cannula. She remembers the moments when Belle has struggled to keep up, and the set-backs that have occurred in the past. 

Everything is going to be alright. We just have to put our complete trust in the staff, and sometimes it's not easy. Parents can feel frustrated and helpless during this process, but that's totally understandable and even expected.

Parents always want to save their children from any type of struggle, no matter their child's age or size. 

God bless all the parents out there 💙

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