Monday, May 15, 2017

Mother's Day in the NICU

Mother's Day.

Both of my girls enjoyed skin-to-skin time today, something they haven't experienced in over 6 weeks. That's a long time to go without feeling your daughter's head on your chest. Her skin on your skin. Perhaps it was Belle's gift to mommy. One heartbeat against another 💗💗

I really have to applaud Sick Kids for how special they made mothers feel today. They offered all moms their choice of either a haircut, massage, manicure, or makeup styling. Generous businesses brought in their dedicated staff to help these moms of sick children feel extra cheerful, and provide a little normalcy to their lives.

Kiera got her hair cut and styled absolutely free, simply by the kind efforts of others who took the time out of their busy schedules. 

Each mom also received a variety of goodies. Isn't that lovely? Regardless of the gifts themselves, it's truly the thought that counts, and these packages were incredibly thoughtful.

We're surrounded by remarkable people who obviously understand how much this really means to parents.

It was a clear message: We're thinking of you. We understand how difficult it can be for you some days. You're not just another ID number. You're not just parents of the little girl in 3A.

Tough situations often bring with them a whole lot of good. It's the underlying theme of this journey.

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