She's getting to be a smart little cookie, and soon she will be a genuine, certified, 100% full term baby, when she turns 40 weeks gestation this Saturday 😄
Arabella's still puffy, especially around her face. She even has a double-chin. She's receiving plenty of fluids so her body is retaining a lot of water, despite her peeing very regularly. Sometimes she pees so much that it seeps through her diaper and soaks the linens. Belle enjoys creating extra work for the nurses that she loves so dearly.
Her blood sugar levels have been closely watched over the last few weeks, and today they took away her dextrose IV drip. Dextrose is a sugar that your body produces naturally. Bella's blood sugar is finally in a decent spot.
Now the only IV line that remains is her morphine and the staff are trying to slowly get rid of that too. You can't take it away in one shot, though, Belle needs to be gradually given less and less so that she can comfortably adjust. There's no doubt that she would exhibit withdrawal symptoms if she was taken off too quickly.
The staff will have to monitor her response to the reduced doses, and constantly watch for signs of discomfort. It's not an easy task, but once she's off the drug, she's off for good.
We joke with the nurses that Arabella is addicted, but unfortunately she really has developed a dependence to this medication. It was running in the background for some time, like a bad habit that forms very slowly - but now it's time for Arabella to get help, to get clean.
"They tried to make me go to rehab,
I said no, no, no!"
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