Saturday, May 6, 2017

Belle Update: May 5

Today it was back to smiles 😃 

Belle's made a return to her feisty self. Yesterday wasn't a great day for her, but look how quickly she bounced back. The vent is taking care of her breathing, so now she can rest and regain her strength.

She's on two antibiotics in case there is an infection brewing. It's too early to tell until the blood cultures come back tomorrow.

The staff ruled out any issues with her digestive system so they restarted her feeds after holding them for 24 hours. Kiera and I were counting down the last hours until that first feed this evening, celebrating when she finally got it.

Arabella was visibly frustrated in the hours beforehand, but as soon as she was fed she turned into a different baby. She calmed down, and displayed a different side of herself. 

We witness the many sides of Belle. 

We know her moods. We know her usual look. We know when there might be something else going on with her.

That's why parents are so important in the NICU. The nurses can change by the day, but parents are the constant and regular. The steady and permanent. Parents can sometimes sense things even before the medical staff, so they definitely play a big part. 

Parents have to advocate for their children, of course.

It can be a tough relationship, though, between parents and the staff. We don't want to over-step our boundaries, but at the same time we're the only voice that can speak for Arabella.

The main thing to remember is that everyone plays on the same team. Everyone wants the same outcome, so it's crucial not to adopt an "us versus them" mentality. 

Everyone has to work together for the sake of these little guys 💙

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