Friday, April 14, 2017

Belle Update: Apr 14

The last few days have been going too well for us, and it was just a matter of time before we had a difficult day.

When we came to see Arabella this morning her breathing was deep and heavy. You could see that she was struggling. 

Last night she looked perfectly fine to us. What a difference 12 hours can make. 

X-rays were performed on her lungs and we were told that they didn't look too good. Anytime a preemie is on a ventilator for an extended amount of time their lungs are prone to damage (since the lung tissue is so immature). 

The respiratory therapist was adjusting Belle's pressure and oxygen levels, trying to fine-tune the numbers. It becomes a balancing act, as they try to expand her lungs, but not too much either. 

As the day went on, her breathing looked slightly better, but it was hard to tell. 

In the early afternoon, Arabella received a blood transfusion. That makes it her seventh transfusion overall. Her hemoglobin was dipping too low over the past few days. Perhaps the lack of oxygen in her blood was a reason for her heavy breathing? Again, it's hard to be sure if there's a correlation. 

Kiera and I tried to re-group. We walked back to the apartment, had a bite, went to church, and soaked up some sunshine on our walk back again to Sick Kids. 

When we returned to see Belle, we had been told that her endotracheal tube came out (while the staff was trying to re-tape it). That's the tube going through her nose and down into her wind-pipe. She had to be re-intubated, which meant more drugs and sedatives, so that she would be calm enough to handle the procedure. 

When it rains, it pours.

Today's picture was taken with her new tube and tape already in place. She was knocked-out by the sedatives so she lay practically still. At least she'll get some sleep. 

Another busy day for this little soldier.

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