Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Belle Update: Apr 11

Another busy day. 

Surgery likely won't happen this week. It might not happen for a while by the looks of it. Due to Belle's fragile bone condition, surgery has been put on-hold for the conceivable future.

There was discussion about starting another round of medications to help close her PDA. Those meds potentially come with some nasty side effects, as we've found out in the past. We're reluctant to go this route, but it might be the only hope we have for now. 

In the meantime, the respiratory therapists have increased the pressure in Arabella's lungs to help her manage the shunting of blood into the lungs. 

It's going to be a game of balance as we buy more time for her bones to get a little bit stronger.

We'll find out more details tomorrow. 

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