Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Back to the start

This morning Kiera had her postpartum check-up at Mount Sinai's high-risk pregnancy clinic. 

This is where it all started for us. 

We were referred to this specialized clinic at week 23 (into Kiera's pregnancy). Suddenly, Arabella's weight was trending extremely low, and it's there that we were told that she might not make it. 

The cause was a complication known as 'placental insufficiency'. 

It was hard to explain it to others. At the beginning, I didn't fully understand it myself. 

"It's going to get really tricky", I remember the doctor saying.

From that point on, we were going for weekly ultrasounds. Belle was so severely underweight that the doctors seemed almost surprised to see us come back each week. 

We were keeping track of Arabella's kicks. 

We received counselling. 

We started to grieve at home.

Each visit got more and more heart-wrenching. Things got worse and worse for Arabella, until we were left with an ultimatum. 

In sports they call that a 'hail mary' - a shot or pass of desperation. 

Hail Mary, indeed. 

With the help of prayer, and our amazing family and friends, we managed to get through one of the toughest chapters of our lives. 

And we're onto writing new chapters now.

So this morning we were back to the point where this journey took a sharp left. It brought back old feelings and emotions, but it was definitely a journey worth taking.

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