Friday, April 14, 2017

Belle Update: Apr 13

Belle looks like a present in that blanket. She's only missing a pretty pink bow to complete the look.

What a gift!

We caught her smiling a few times today. It looked that way to us, at least. Can you see it in today's picture? I hope that's her way of telling us that she's okay 💗

The nurses continue to compliment Bella. She's such a popular girl within the NICU. Yesterday we heard two nurses bicker over who should look after her for the night. It was quite entertaining. Kiera and I had a good chuckle.

So much love for this little lady. It warms our hearts.

Arabella had quite a busy day of x-rays and blood work. 
The staff are checking her bones all over to make sure there aren't any other hidden fractures. She appears to look fine to us, but we can only speculate. 

Blood work has been sent off to check for various levels, including vitamin D (and anything else that might impact her bones), but the DNA/genetics results might take up to a month (or even longer) to come back.

This evening she finished her last dose of PDA medication, and they've also discontinued her fungal infection antibiotic (it's finally been 14 days). 

Let's see what the next few days will bring. 

We're trying not to get too caught up in all of the recent information we've received. We don't want to be swept away in all of this.

The last few days have actually been quite good. 

We've been able to spend a little bit of time each day with Arabella while she's alert and awake, and that makes us feel so much better. It feeds our soul. We're able to make a connection with her, look into her eyes, grasp her hand or caress her head, and that seems to satisfy a deep desire within our hearts. 

But when she's sleeping, we do our best to leave her alone and allow her time to rest. We must resist the urge to wake her, even though we want to! 😀

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