Monday, April 3, 2017

Belle Update: Apr 3

Little Arabella has a busy schedule planned for her today, including a head ultrasound, a kidney x-ray, and an eye exam to make sure there are no infections in those areas. They are thoroughly inspecting her. 

A few days ago they found (what appeared to be) 'fungal balls' in her kidney, but since the blood culture came back negative, they're having another look to determine what that might possibly be, if anything. 

They were almost sure that it was a fungal blood infection, but now doctors think it's likely a common bug in her breathing tube. Let's hope that's all it is! She's continuing with her antibiotics for now, though, just in case. 

Last night she weighed 1050 grams (2.3 lbs). She's growing ever so slowly. If it wasn't for her PDA issue, she would be a lot bigger by now. But we have to remain patient as everything is sorted out and triple-checked before surgery. 

We still haven't heard about a possible surgery date. Soon enough, I'm sure. 

It's not a big deal that she's still so tiny. Arabella has will and strength, and that matters most right now. She'll have the rest of her life to grow and catch up, right? 

Before she was fed at noon today, the nurse gave her a few drops of breast milk directly into her mouth from the syringe. She absolutely enjoyed it. Her eyes were huge, as she looked adoringly at the nurse. She loves anyone that feeds her 😄😄😄

Arabella received a slightly larger (wider) feeding tube recently. You can see it in her latest photos. It goes in through her mouth and directly into her stomach. Preemies require feeding tubes since they have weak sucking ability, and swallowing reflex. But the larger feeding tube means that the breast milk disappears within a minute or two. 

When you watch her being fed, you can visibly tell how much she enjoys it. Hopefully she'll continue to have a great appetite as she grows up!

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