Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Belle Update: Apr 24

A quiet day is always a positive day.

Kiera was able to hold Belle in the early afternoon. We placed a cloth over her head in order to shield her eyes from the bright lights. I think she appreciated that. 

Arabella's eyelids were still quite puffy, but she must have known that mom and dad were watching her, and she opened them as much as she could. We get a thrill every time we look into those big brown eyes of hers. She gets her lovely brown eyes from mommy 😊

There were no surprises at all today. We had a quiet evening as well, where we changed her diaper, took her temperature, and talked to her through the incubator doors. Most days I'll hum a few songs to her too. I've been doing that since she was born, and I think she's gotten used to hearing dad's annoying melodies. I'm hoping she'll remember those pitchy sounds of mine so that when she's home one day I can continue to bring that familiarity back to her.  

I can't wait to embarrass her when she's older 😀😀😀

Arabella seemed to be enjoying her new mittens and she hasn't been able to grab her tube like she used to. She was also wearing the same pink vest that was placed on her last night (but it was covered by a blanket in yesterday's photo).

Such a big fashion statement from someone so very small. All of the other preemies in the NICU simply can't keep up with Arabella's trend-setting style.

Sleep tight little lady.

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