Thursday, April 27, 2017

Live Update: Out from surgery

This was the display in the waiting room. 

Arabella was very stable during surgery. She is out of the OR now and being admitted back to the NICU. We'd like to thank everyone for their prayers and continued support. Thanks be to God.

The nurses will now place her back into her isolette and monitor her very closely. Apparently, babies can become very sick during the first day or two following PDA ligation, since their bodies must adjust to the new blood pressure and generally recover from the anesthesia, etc. 

Once Arabella was taken to the operating room, Kiera and I were escorted to a waiting area to join other families (also waiting for their little ones). 

Two hours later the surgeon came out to let us know that everything went smoothly. He reminded us that although the surgery went well, Arabella still has a long journey ahead of her. 

That's alright, though. We knew this was going be a lengthy road. We're prepared to continue this fight along with God's grace, and everyone's amazing support.

Thank you all 💗

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