Tuesday, September 11, 2018

G-tube upgrade

As most of you know, Arabella doesn't really eat orally. She only takes tiny licks and the smallest bits of mashed food. She's had a feeding aversion for the past year, and because of that, she relies on her g-tube for roughly 98% of her nutrition. 

She's had this g-tube for the last 5 months, and I have to tell you that it's been the best decision we've ever made. If there are any parents out there that are considering the g-tube for their child, I would encourage you to get this done as soon as you can. The NG tube (via the nasal passage) will only hinder your little one. Don't waste a single day!

Having the g-tube eliminated Bella's reflux issues immediately, and that alone has made a world of a difference. Bella eventually started moving around more on her tummy, and she even started to take little bits of food by mouth (something she never did with the NG tube)!

The g-tube sticks out of her tummy, which isn't ideal, but it's the standard g-tube that most patients receive for their first procedure. After a few months, patients are then able to go in for a second procedure for a different, more low-profile g-tube.

So on August 30th, we went back to Sick Kids in order to upgrade Arabella's g-tube. It was out with the old, and in with the new! 

She was a very brave girl. Bella's used to these things by now, I suppose, and so are mom and dad!

These are the latest in g-tube technology. The AMT miniONE balloon button. They're pricy (at $300 per button), but they're said to be the most low-profile and comfortable buttons ever made. We chose this one over the MIC-KEY button, since these are said to irritate the skin less and create a better seal outside of the stomach (due to the apple shaped balloon). 

We're advised to change buttons every 3-4 months (something we can do ourselves), and once a week we simply check to make sure the retention balloon is filled with enough water. 

Arabella gets her blended diet administered through an attachment tube, and in less than 30 seconds she's fed and back to playing and moving around. 

We never expected Bella to have a feeding aversion, and at first it was a tough pill to swallow (pardon the pun), but getting the g-tube has made the biggest impact on her growth and development. So even though she doesn't eat very much by mouth, she gets real food in her blended diet, and it gives her the strength and energy that she needs. 

Bella gets things like chicken, eggs, almond butter, yogurt, avocado oil, and an array of fruits and vegetables in every batch. She can't taste it anyway 😄 so all we have to worry about is how much nutrition and calories are packed into every feed (which Kiera blends fresh every morning). 

Currently Arabella is 16 months (corrected) and weighs 16lbs (7.2kg), but with the help of the g-tube and a blended diet, she's on her way to catching up to her peers. 

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