Sunday, May 14, 2017

To Kiera (and to all women)

I remember how nurturing you were with your daughter in the womb. You had so much love to give her! You weren't fully aware of it then, but you were a mom.

So much excitement and joy - and then suddenly it was being pulled out from underneath you. It wasn't the pregnancy you had hoped for. I saw how scared and frightened you were. You didn't realize it back then, but you were a mom.

I remember those dreadful rides home from the clinic, how you held in tears through the busy hallways as we made our way out of the building. You held it all together. You were definitely a mom. 

I remember all of the sadness and hugs that we shared in our kitchen, and how you soaked my t-shirts with your tears. Despite everything, your resilience and strength was undeniable. 

You were strong, you were scared, you were worried, you were 100%, undeniably, a mom. 

You've been through the lowest of lows to get here. I'm so proud of you. I'm so thrilled for you. Savour this moment, and enjoy your first Mother's Day with your daughter. 


Mothering is more than being a mother. Everywhere I look I see strong and nurturing women, whether they are mothers, aunts, grandmothers, teachers, doctors, nurses, coworkers, neighbours... 

Mothers are everywhere. Women with leadership, humility, spirit and compassion. Women who guide others, who take care of their friends, their family, and their community. 

We send our thoughts and prayers to women around the world, especially to women who struggle on Mother's Day. 

Let's remember those women who's child is sick, who's child has passed away, those who have experienced loss, miscarriage, still-births and infertility. Single mothers who are on their own, and women who have not experienced motherhood at all. 

God bless women everywhere 💗

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