Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Raise the roof

Look at this tiny smurf, so comfortable and snug.

The nurses noticed that wrapping her up keeps her calmer. She's a lot less fussy. This might be everyone's new trick with Arabella going forward 😀

She continued to have dips in her heart rate today but most of them were during her feeds. Typical reactions, we're told. 

Her heart rate is something that's constantly displayed on her cardiac monitor, but we're trying not to rely on it too often. You won't get to take the monitors home with you later! Instead, we're getting used to watching Belle's visual cues to tell us how she's doing - her gestures, facial expressions, etc. 

It can be a little nerve-wrecking watching her heart rate, but we're trying to keep our cool. During those dips Arabella might be holding her breath. Sometimes it happens when she gags, or she may even forget to breathe on occasion. If her heart rate dips too low for more than 4-5 seconds we rub her chest or her foot and it stimulates her enough to breathe again.

Prematurity will do that to a little one.

Earlier today the staff lowered Arabella's pressure in her mask, but a few hours later they had to increase it again since Bella couldn't keep up. The doctors might be challenging her a little too much, but it's all part of the NICU growing process. She's not quite ready to go at the pace they'd like her to sometimes, but that's okay. She's done great so far. 

Later this evening the nurse took the roof off the incubator. Check out this cool convertible 😎

Belle might be ready to go into a crib soon if she can maintain her own body temperature. She weights a little over 1900 grams currently, so this could be her moment!

My girl is growing up too fast. 

I just want her to be this small forever ðŸ˜­

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