Thursday, March 30, 2017

Belle Update: Mar 30

There was no surgery. Arabella's blood results showed slightly elevated signs of a fungal infection. 

Where did this come from? How did something like this slip by, again? Especially after all of the extra blood tests lately.

The nurses at Sick Kids have started to give her antibiotics, and now we'll wait to see what the blood culture results show in 48 hours. If it's really a fungal infection, she might need antibiotics for up to two weeks. 

Her immune system is so fragile and immature, I understand how these things happen. It's easy for preemies to catch these sorts of things. 

We can't seem to get over this hump hill. 

Arabella also received another blood transfusion today. They've taken a lot of blood from her lately, so it's only fair they give some back. 

Today was a tough and busy day for her, to say the least. She was apparently so feisty and unruly at one point that they had to give her sedatives to calm her down. Belle is showing her frustrations.

Can you blame her?

At least tomorrow is a new day.

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