Friday, March 24, 2017

A narrow escape

Belle's cultures came back showing positive this morning. It was the start of sepsis, a bacterial infection. Sepsis could be life-threatening, so it's a good thing that Belle had been on antibiotics preemptively. 

This is the second time an infection has been caught early. Someone out there is watching over this girl, if you don't know by now 😉

We're so thankful to the staff at Sick Kids. They saw something wasn't right with her blood results when they took her in. They put surgery on-hold, and while we waited 48 hours for the culture results (unfortunately that's usually how long it takes), Arabella was already getting treated.

Her latest blood results have been much better, so it's clear that Bella is fighting this off. She'll be fine. 

Surgery will likely end up being pushed another week forward.

When Kiera gets too wound-up and worried I tell her that if Arabella could talk she would probably say something like, "Stop worrying about me mommm! You're so over-protective, geez, I'm fineeeee" (but you have to say it in that bratty teenager voice). 

This little girl is a champion. 

She's tough, so don't worry.

Yesterday a nurse told us that Arabella will grow up to be a very independent woman, judging by her personality. She can be very feisty and temperamental at times when you interact with her. 

She's very aware, and she'll let you know when she doesn't appreciate you.

Never get on Arabella's bad side 😀😀😀

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