Monday, March 6, 2017

An anxious night

Last night we went into full-out panic mode. 

I had gone home to visit my parents and celebrate my brother's birthday. Kiera went to visit Arabella in the meantime.

I was looking forward to spending some time with my family. A relaxing evening. Little did we know what was in store.

Belle was showing signs of NEC (Necrotizing Enterocolitis). Her stomach had been swelling so much over the last week and the ibuprofen caused her to retain a large amount of water. Doctors feared she had a tear in her intestine. 

X-rays were done, and Arabella was prepped to be taken across the street to Sick Kids hospital for immediate surgery. Meanwhile, the x-rays were sent out for a second opinion. 

We were essentially on stand-by. The anxiety was almost unbearable. 

NEC is very serious.

Kiera let me know what was happening and I immediately got sick to my stomach. The fear came rushing in. We quickly sang Happy Birthday to my brother, packed our things and drove downtown. 

After waiting a few hours we finally spoke with a doctor and who assured us there was no need for surgery. Her stomach is still very enlarged so they will keep a close watch on her. 

We were relieved, but the anxiety stuck with us the rest of the night. It was hard to sleep. I kept re-watching the videos I took of Arabella.

Life is so fragile. 

We didn't know the severity of the situation until I started to research more about it today.

All I can say is "Thank you Lord for watching over our little girl."

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