Thursday, March 9, 2017

With a little help from our friends

Kiera and I would like to send out a giant THANK YOU to a special group of people from Corus Entertainment, particularly the Digital department (which I work for) and to the Legal department (which Kiera happens to work for). 

You guys have been so amazing, and far too kind. 

This beautiful card was given to us from the wonderful folks in the Legal department, and we were blown away by your generosity. 

You are truly like a second family to us. 

The octopus was such a sweet touch. If anyone is wondering, 'Octopus for a Preemie' is a volunteer-run initiative that donates crochet octopi to premature babies in NICU's all over the world. The initiative began in Denmark in 2013. The tentacles resemble the umbilical cord and have been observed to calm babies and reduce the risk of them pulling on their leads and tubes, which Arabella loves to do! Check out this CNN article about these octopi for more info.

Thank you all again, we're so indebted to all of you.

Dan, Kiera & Arabella

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