Thursday, March 2, 2017

Belle Update: Mar 2

Everything went well with Belle's transfusion. She looked really healthy today. She gained a lot of weight too, which is fantastic news. 600 grams (1.3lbs). It's a big relief. 

We spoke with the doctors and they will be starting to administer medication for her PDA (the hole in her artery). Three doses starting today, twelve hours apart. Hopefully it will start to work. We're just really worried about the side effects of that medication. I'm sure they will keep a close watch, though. 

The nurse took more of her blood today for testing in order to make sure she doesn't have any infections (so hopefully we can rule that out). More than likely it's this PDA that's giving her the issues at this point. 

We'll be going back to see Belle later this evening. She's being such a strong girl!

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