Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Belle Update: Mar 14

Hands up for Arabella! 

She wanted to show off her eyes today. The mask makes her eyes look very swollen lately. Her stomach is full of air (so that looks swollen too) but it's nothing to worry about. Completely normal and typical. Now we can see the wrinkles on her skin again, which is a good sign that the extra water is finally out of her system.

Belle is weighing in at 800 grams. Her breast milk feeds are increasing to 7ml tonight. That's decent progress.

The staff here have told us that Arabella is somewhat of a mystery. Her PDA is massive and it has remained that way despite all of the drugs and methods that they have tried. They are checking up on her heart (artery) daily using a stethoscope. And everyday it's loud. It's really loud. 

After this round of Tylenol they will leave her alone for a bit (as long as she avoids the ventilator and continues to breathe on her own). We can only hope. 

So many drugs in such a short span of time. It's insane. 

We had a long discussion with the doctor today about the overdosing that occurred this past weekend. The head nurse of 'quality and risk' gave us some knowledge into the situation as well. There will be a full review next week but we definitely have a sense of what happened. It was simple human error. I'll spare everyone the boring details. 

Thank goodness it was only a diuretic drug and not something stronger. What if the nurse had given Belle 10x of something else?

In the end, Kiera and I decided not to restrict that specific nurse from caring for Belle. For this week, however, we asked for space from her so that we can get over everything. 

It's been such a stressful last few days and the worst part is that we won't really know how those drugs affected Arabella's hearing for another few months. 

We can only pray at this point, so we ask God for guidance and assistance. 

Please continue to keep little Arabella in your thoughts and prayers - that she may leap over all of the hurdles that are placed in her path.

Thank you 💗

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