Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Belle Update: Mar 28

In today's photo, you can see that Arabella almost managed to put her thumb into her mouth again. Practice makes perfect.

Today marks day 40.

Belle was 920 grams during last night's weigh-in. That's a big jump of +70 from the other day. Hopefully now she can maintain this weight gain. Fingers crossed! And when she hits 1000 grams, she'll be officially welcomed into the 'kilo club'. 

We'll take any excuse to celebrate ðŸ˜ƒ

The blood culture results will be ready later today, but so far it's looking like the infection is long gone. By Friday Arabella will have completed her antibiotics and hopefully have a date set for surgery. 

Yesterday's first eye exam went really well, and little Ara will have a follow-up in two weeks. It's still too early to tell 100%, but so far, so good. 

Our primary nurse Cora also managed to get us a larger room today. She's always looking out for us. We didn't have to move very far, the new room is right next door to our old one, so now we have more space to sit and move around. It makes such a difference.

Bigger baby, bigger room, so make way for Arabella! 

It was my turn to hold Belle today. Kiera held her yesterday and we've been alternating. Fair is fair. Daddy needs his time with baby too. 

It's a bit of a process getting her in and out of the incubator, but it's worth it. I held her for over an hour and I enjoyed every last second of it. I love the feeling of her little fingers and toes as she wiggles around every now and then. 

I feel like she really increased in size (especially her head) compared to a few weeks ago. She's growing slowly, but surely. 

I wish I could freeze these moments. 

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