Saturday, March 25, 2017

Belle Update: Mar 25

Back to her stomping grounds. 

Belle has returned to Mount Sinai, after being transferred last night around 11:30pm. 

She's exactly 33 weeks today.

Miss Arabella is on antibiotics for the next six days, so until then, no surgery. She'll also receive a blood transfusion today. A nice welcome back, huh?

She needs it. She's had a lot of blood taken from her lately. Test after test. The staff need to stay on top of her fluctuating levels, especially with a possible infection lingering. 

Constant check-ups.

Arabella's attitude still remains up-beat. You can't even tell that she's going through anything. 

She's such a little trooper. 

Here she is today, receiving some 'oral immune therapy' from mommy: 

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