Thursday, April 1, 2021

Looking back at 2020

We're well into 2021 but I wanted to leave some pictures here from 2020.

Early last year, around February, Arabella was discharged from the Pulmonary Function clinic at Sick Kids. She was no longer experiencing pulmonary hypertension. The arteries around her heart and lungs looked healthy, and the doctors gave her the green light. That was cause for celebration, so Arabella has her hands up!

Frolicking in the snow.

Our first skate on the ice.

Winter fun on her polar bear sled.

Painting her nails with Mom.

Bella's favourite: the merry-go-round at the Toronto Zoo, a month before the lockdown began.

Arabella's 3rd birthday. It might have been the last time we were indoors at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

March, 2020. Bella wonders why the park is off limits. "People are getting very sick and spreading germs", we told her.

Arabella's older cousin Faith gives her a large doll house to keep her entertained. Bella is very excited.

Playing doctor. Masks are now in fashion and Belle wants to take part in the new trend.

Belle gets her g-tube replaced. This might have been the first time we replaced the tube ourselves.

Making faces after bath time. She's always making us laugh.

Here we're pretending to sit around a camp fire (candle) in our living room.

Uncle Damian drops by for a visit in the backyard.

One of the best purchases we made last year: a bike seat for Belle. We would ride out almost daily and get some quality daddy-daughter time.

Batter up!


 Dad helping tighten her new "big girl bike" from Nana.

A view from up high, during one of our hikes.

Spaghetti for lunch. Although Bella still has a hard time eating, she does a good job of nibbling on a few of her favourites.

We receive a Barbie dollhouse from a neighbour's daughter, and Bella is super thankful.

Mom joins us for one of our evening bike rides.

Playing cars on the roads we drew and coloured on a large illustration board.

Saying "Hi!" to the bunny that lives around Grandma and Grandpas front yard.

The zoo finally reopens to the public in June. We watch a baby giraffe.

A quick summertime couch nap.

Cottage life. One of the best weeks we had all year at a cottage up north.

Appointment at the optometrists office.

Afterwards, she tries on glasses. Which one looks best?

Waiting at the dentist's office. Even Cub is wearing a mask.

First dental appointment. Everything looks good! Cub's teeth looked nice and clean, in case you were wondering.

Halloween is two months away. Bella tries on her witch costume.

Getting better at writing her own name. Mom writes it at the top, and Bella replicates it below.

Mom turns 33. The three of us dance, party, and eat cupcakes until the late hours of 10pm.

Buckle up! We're going on a ride.

We're back at the zoo. These made for great autumn pictures.

An evening walk among the colourful leaves.

Soaking up the sun in October, knowing that the cold months are just ahead.

Pumpkin carving!


Halloween finally comes around. Bella is a reindeer.

A beautiful sunset, as we look out our front door.

An unusually warm day in early November.

A visit to the mall. Mask, gloves, purse, antlers: CHECK.

First snowfall in late November. Bella was loving it.

Exercising with dad in the basement. Getting stronger!

Snowball fight in Grandma and Grandpas backyard. "Don't shoot!", Bella says.

Decorating her very own Christmas tree with all of her special ornaments.

It came out looking great!

Posing for a picture with our outdoor blow-up decorations.

Making Christmas crafts with Mom.

Christmas photo-shoot. 

And that was the year 2020! Phew!

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