Monday, March 13, 2017

Belle Update: Mar 13

Kiera and I were finally able to sleep better. The previous few nights were too restless. 

Arabella did very well yesterday evening and has looked very active today. She's weighing in at 760 grams. She went down 80 after she received an overload of diuretics, but we're trying to move past that now. Her puffiness has subsided, and she's back to looking like her normal self again. 

She's as tough as a diamond. 

The doctors are going right back to the drugs however, and this time they plan on giving her tylenol for her PDA. At least it has fewer side effects. 

Everyone better be double-checking their doses now. Oh, we'll be watching!

Sometimes I feel like this poor girl is being treated like a guinea pig, but it's just this lousy PDA issue giving us so much grief. It's her biggest obstacle right now. 

Today we've been trying to calm down.

Kiera held her skin-to-skin twice yesterday, and I held her for over an hour today. 

After a while of holding Belle my back begins to hurt. Sometimes you feel numbness in your arms or legs, and you're generally uncomfortable towards the very end - but we stick it out. No whining! Because we all need one another 😄

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