Friday, March 3, 2017

Belle Update: Mar 3

Belle was resting a lot yesterday. Sleeping beauty.

We decided not to have any cuddle time with her last night in order to give her as much rest as possible. The nurse insisted that she would be fine, but Kiera and I had a feeling we should let her relax. So we did.

The last few days have been really busy for Arabella. 

Taking her in and out of the incubator is somewhat of a process. Maybe today we'll attempt some skin-to-skin time with her. We know how good it is for her. 

The doctors are giving her ibuprofen to close her PDA. Yesterday I was researching all about PDA, ibuprofen, and possible PDA ligation surgery. About 10% of preemies get really bad side effects from ibuprofen so that's our biggest concern. 

I read online somewhere that one round of this type of ibuprofen can cost around $1500. Can you imagine paying for that out-of-pocket?

On the plus side, the medication works for about 70% of preemies. Sometimes the doctors have to do two rounds of meds, and if that fails then surgery might be our only option. But from what I've read on the preemie boards, the surgery is routine and nothing to be frightened about. 

We're on our way to check up on her again today. 

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