Thursday, March 23, 2017

Going for surgery

We received the go-ahead for surgery. Tomorrow (Thursday) around 4pm.

I was surprised they booked her in so quickly, but you won't hear me complain. The sooner, the better for Arabella. 

Let's do it. 

You can guarantee our anxiety will be set to ultra-high tomorrow, but we'll get through it. Like anything stressful in life, we all find a way to cope. We grin and bear it. 

We ask God for help. 

It's okay to ask people for help too, I found. People really do want to help, and they genuinely care. 

It'll be alright. We have so many amazing people supporting us. We have a tremendous safety net.

The staff has already taken Bella over to Sick Kids hospital, where the PDA ligation will take place. Mount Sinai is linked to Sick Kids via underground tunnel (for such circumstances), so it was a smooth transfer. 

They took her away in the blink of an eye.

This PDA surgery should go well. God is in our corner. Let's all have faith. 

Please continue to keep little Arabella in your thoughts and prayers, especially over these next few days. 

As soon as she's out from surgery, I'll post a quick update to keep everyone informed. 


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