Thursday, October 11, 2018

Let's give thanks

We hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. Warm wishes from our family to yours! 

We couldn't have asked for a better Thanksgiving. And what a beautiful (and colourful) time of year!

There are so many blessings for us to count. But there's one little blessing in particular that is at the top of our list...

Maybe you know her? πŸ˜„

Family, friends, and good health are the biggest blessings we can receive. 

Everything else is just a bonus, isn't it?

Being together around the dinner table was probably the highlight of our Thanksgiving. 

Last year we were too paranoid to have Arabella out and about (due to cold and flu season, and her weakened immune system, etc) but this year we couldn't simply leave her at home. It wouldn't be the same without her!

She's a funny little turkey, isn't she? And did you happen to notice the 'fall' tree? That idea is all Momma...because she's crazy about decorating πŸ˜€

So as the leaves fall, and the weather continues to cool...let the blessing of family and friends keep your heart warm.

Sending our love from across the miles...
Dan, Kiera & Arabella πŸ’œ

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