Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Belle Update: Apr 19

Arabella had a chest x-ray, an abdominal and head ultrasound, and a lot of blood taken from her today. She's been poked and pricked so many times. Blood in, blood out, I suppose. That's the way things go in this environment. 

Belle will likely need a transfusion again in the next day or two. She looked pale, tired, and simply worn out. 

Every procedure takes a lot of energy from her. Her heart rate increases anytime the staff handle her, and that has an effect on her breathing. She consistently requires more oxygen during diaper changes, for example, so you can imagine her oxygen needs for procedures that take a lot longer, like ultrasounds. 

Belle has an IV in her leg, and another one was placed into her head today. More access points for all of the different things they are giving her. Vitamin cocktails, drugs, minerals...some things are good, while other things aren't great but they're unavoidable. 

Sometimes you feel so sorry for her.

One minute you're holding her hand, having a moment, trying to make a connection, and the next minute you have to step back and let the staff do their job.

It can be a helpless feeling, but you learn to deal with those moments and move past them. For your own good, and of course for Arabella. We all have to be strong for her 💗

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