Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Belle Update: Apr 25

Bella's been quite stable these last few days. Nothing out of the ordinary going on. Thank goodness. 

Those gloves of hers look like tiny oven mitts. What are you cooking, little one? Baking up a batch of sweetness? 

I'm so glad they encourage us to hold her as much as possible. It's good for baby, and good for us! No barriers between us, finally. She slept nearly the entire time I was holding her. 

No news regarding surgery yet, but it might just be a matter of time now. We can almost sense it. Until then, we're going to remain patient and count our blessings.

We're so so very lucky. 

Belle's still a bit puffy around her face and eyes but it's slowly getting better. When she was placed back into her isolette (after her hold) she started to open her eyes more and began to look around. 

It's simply been a great day.

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