Sunday, April 2, 2017

Belle Update: Apr 2

A view from above her isolette. 

Her head is nicely snug between the bean bag (or 'froggy' as the nurses call it). Bella likes to feel contained and embraced. She's calmer and less temperamental, for the most part. 

We've seen her very irritable. It can be difficult to watch.

If she's having a particularly hard time, or if it looks like she's in distress or discomfort, the nurses might consider giving her a tiny trace of morphine. They're very mindful of babies' pain. But Belle's been calmer the last few days, so she hasn't required it. 

Certain days are just so busy for Arabella when she gets handled for things like x-rays and blood tests. The constant check-ups tire her out quickly. Unfortunately, the tests are necessary (especially with a possible infection lingering). 

During an infection scare, the nurses are forced to hold all feeds, which in turn makes Belle more unruly. And being hungry aggravates her so much more. 

You're not you when you're hungry, right? So the last few days (since being back on feeds) she has acted like her regular self again. More relaxed and stable. We're happy to see her back to eating, and looking more tranquil overall. 

Best of all, there doesn't appear to be a fungal blood infection, as first thought. The blood culture and a spinal tap both came back negative, so perhaps it was a bug or some type of bacteria that Belle might have caught in her tube. 

Today a nurse admitted to us that Sick Kids is generally overly-cautious when it comes to babies that come in for surgery. And if you search long and hard enough (for a bug or bacteria) you'll probably find something!

Things here change so much by the day.

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