Thursday, April 6, 2017

Belle Update: Apr 6

A rainy, soggy day. 

Inside her isolette, it's nice and cozy at least 💗

It's usually 32-34°C in there, humidity around 80%. A tropical rain forest, just for her. 

We're still on track for surgery. Likely next week, by Tuesday or Wednesday if everything continues to go well. In the meantime, Belle's taking her antibiotics, getting plenty of rest, and growing a wee bit every day. She's now up to 1083g (2.4lbs). 

Little by little, she's getting stronger. 

You can see the fight in her sometimes. She wants to break free from the tubes and wires that hold her down.

One step at a time, we'll get there.

Arabella had a special visitor come in to see her today. So much love for Bella, and so much love for Kiera and I, too.

We're humbled by the amount of backing we've received. This entire experience has been incredible and inconceivable, at times painful and overwhelming, but we're honoured to share it with you all. 

Thank you for taking an interest in Arabella. Thank you for the help you've given Kiera and I throughout this journey. 

If you're reading this, then you're who I'm talking to. Yes, YOU!

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