Thursday, April 20, 2017

Belle Update: Apr 20

Kiera had an opportunity to hold Arabella today so the nurses helped wrap and bundle her up. She looked like a tiny baby burrito 😄

They placed her in Kiera's arms, made sure all of the tubes and wires were secure, and the three of us enjoyed some quality time together. That will always be the highlight of any day. 

Bella loves her cuddles 💗

Great joy is truly found in the simple things. Every day we do our best to appreciate moments like this.

Arabella had a great day overall. No transfusions, no x-rays, no major blood work. She only got a few pokes for blood. A quiet day is something else we've learned to appreciate. 

She was placed on her tummy following her cuddle and she rested ever so soundly. I'm surprised the nurses don't place her like this more often. 

Arabella's blood sugar was quite low for the last few days so they've been administering glucose through her IV. Her levels have slowly risen since then so everything should be alright. 

Last night Belle weighed-in at 1400 grams. That's well over 3 pounds! She's almost tripled in weight since birth, and that's a huge success.

We're still waiting for clarity surrounding her bones and how that might impact the PDA surgery. In the meantime we're doing our best to remain optimistic. 

Find joy in the everyday. 

Today was a great day.

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