Sunday, February 11, 2018

The memory box

Soon after coming home with Arabella, we bought this pretty memory box, and we began to gather some of her mementos. 

Of course, this isn't everything, but it holds some of our most treasured items. This little suitcase is filled with all kinds of mementos, especially those from our time at the hospital.

This was one of her first CPAP hats (that would hold the oxygen tubing). It's the smallest one available, and it barely fit her head at the very beginning. 

One of the reasons that doctor's say a baby is only "viable" once she reaches 500 grams or more, is because of the equipment. The equipment needs to fit in order to work properly, and it's generally not made to handle babies that are born less than 500 grams. Looking back at it now, we were extremely fortunate that Arabella was able to grow to 480 grams. It was just enough.

The very first diapers she ever wore. They too, were loose-fitting. And t
hey were the first diapers that mom and dad got to change on their baby. We were instructed by the nurses to lift Arabella by her legs or ankles, unaware at the time that her bones were so incredibly fragile. 

One of Arabella's first ultrasound images. The day we received these print outs we also found out that we were having a girl. This was also the same day the technician told us that she would be a 'beautiful baby' - a statement she made simply by looking at the baby's silhouette. 

I remember looking at the print out, over and over again, wondering what she would look like. "Beautiful baby!", Kiera and I would say to each other from that point onward. 

Some of her 'bravery beads' from Sick Kids hospital. Each bead represents a specific procedure or event that Arabella went through (although, after a few weeks, we gave up trying to keep track of every bead). Children that battle cancer, for example, might end up collecting a few necklaces worth - so hundreds or even thousands of beads. 

Some of the religious memorabilia we received from family and friends. We would always keep them close to Arabella's incubator. 

And some of the cards we received along the way. So many beautiful wishes from everyone. So much support. You guys have no idea how much that meant to us.

These are just some of the things we'll cherish forever 😊

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