Thursday, September 3, 2020

Chew chew chew

Arabella gets 95% of her daily water and nutrition through her g-tube. We're so used to it that we don't think twice about it. If we're on the go, we take water and Bella's blended food and feed her while we're out.

We slowly push the food through her tube and then resume our adventure. It's that easy. To be honest with you, the g-tube is a blessing in disguise.

I personally don't know any toddler who eats as healthy as she does. What's for dinner tonight? A plate full of sweet potatoes, baked chicken, avocado and zucchini. Throw it all in the blender, mix and serve.
Arabella gets such a variety of healthy and nutritious food. Seeds, nuts, oils, and healthy fats galore. But despite all this great stuff she still hovers around 21lbs. Girls her age (3.5 yrs old) average around 32lbs. 

"Not a big deal", says Arabella's doctor. 

She continues to gain in height (which is on track for her age) and that's a very important factor. Although skinny, it doesn't mean Bella's not healthy. We're just so accustomed to seeing children with extra weight on them that we assume it's the norm. Especially with little kids, we tend to think "chubby" = "healthy" and that's not necessarily the case.
It's all about frame of mind.

Oral eating is still a big challenge for this Minnie Mouse. But one thing is for certain: Arabella loves Grandma's home-made chicken soup. She can only take really tiny spoon-fulls.
Little bits at a time.

She also loves spaghetti. Everything has to be cut up into very tiny pieces, though, otherwise she can't handle it. "Chew chew chew", we keep reminding her, over and over.

Bella needs to be watched closely because she can easily be overwhelmed with the food in her mouth.
Some days are better than others. Some days she's doing great, eating well and managing the food that's in her mouth. Other days she'll gag, cough and even throw-up. 
Some days you can tell off the bat: it's not going to be a good eating day.
G-tube to the rescue. 
These g-tubes a modern miracle. They're easy to use and they never seem to bother Arabella. At $300 each, they last about 6-8 months before they need to be replaced. They are well worth the money. We replace it ourselves and it's rather easy and painless.

When it comes to liquids, Bella does best when you give her a little bit at a time (preferably through a straw). When she sucks by herself she usually takes too much at once, so we manage the amount in order for her not to get overwhelmed. "Easy does it" is the recipe for success when it comes to eating and drinking.
Everything has to be controlled, and that's the way things go.

That's prematurity for you. Bella's eating/drinking aversion has a lot to do with her past - so as much as we try and put the past behind us, it's always right there with us. And that's totally fine with us.

We embrace it.

And with every struggle there's always a silver lining. It's been the theme throughout Arabella's life, and it's helped shape our outlook and who we are today.