Saturday, February 20, 2021

Video: Happy 4th Birthday Bella

Arabella turned 4 years old on February 17th. To celebrate her birthday I've created a video montage (as I do every year) of some of our favourite moments in the last 365 days. 

And here's Arabella's 1st birthday video, below. It's hard to imagine that was the same child.  She's certainly come a long way since day 1.

God bless you, Arabella.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Arabella turns 4

This wonderful girl turned four years old!

It's incredible how fast time flies, because these last four years have come and gone in the blink of an eye.

These are the type of moments that make life beautiful and extraordinary, and we were soaking in this day, these moments, as much as we could.

Arabella, today we celebrate your strength, your fierce determination to defy the odds, and God's unwavering grace.

Every year on your birthday feels like a ride in a time machine. It takes us back to the day you were born, those first few weeks and months, the joy and pain we all endured, the decisions we were faced with, the people that surrounded us, and all of those specific moments that defined us.

Today is a celebration of life. Today is a celebration of us. And above all, today is a celebration of you, Arabella.

Keep growing strong and wise, little one. Happy Birthday. Love, Mom, Dad & your entire family 💜

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Snow angel

It might be chilly out there, but nothing stops Bella from enjoying the outdoors. She'd rather freeze than go inside.

I know, I know. We've been stuck inside the house for months. Well in that case, let's open up the shutters, let in some light, and breathe in some fresh air.

Whether we're making snow bears...

Going for sled rides...

Skating on the pond...

Or enjoying a good old fashioned walk through the woods...

We live for this sort of stuff!

And when we're home there's never a dull moment either.

Bella stays busy by playing, dancing, running around, and acting silly. And of course we're right there with her!

She loves helping Mom, especially when it comes to baking.

She even makes yummy meals in her own kitchen! What's cooking Bella?

Her fascination with music and musical instruments continues to grow. Interestingly enough, she loves playing along to hard rock and country music. We've been listening to a lot of country music as a family too, something we've really enjoyed doing.

Arabella's loves to create. She's taken a huge liking to painting in dad's art studio, experimenting with colours, brushes, and techniques. Mom even made Arabella her own artists smock, which really came in handy.

Great use of colour and contrast, Bella!

Anytime I go to downstairs to paint I see the pictures that Arabella drew on the protective paper covering the walls and I think to myself, "I am really really lucky to have a daughter as wonderful as her".