Sunday, April 1, 2018

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter - from our little bunny family to yours! 

We'd like to wish everyone peace, love and happiness during this Easter weekend, and for always. 

Last year at this time Arabella was two months old. She was stuck in the hospital with no end in sight, weighing a bit over 2lbs, and she was still 
a month away from her actual due-date. 

Bella had a long way to go...

We were constantly worried about her, and the issue with her pulmonary artery was giving her a lot of problems. 

Some days things appeared to be getting worse, and not better. We had so many unanswered questions.

"Happy Easter", Kiera and I whispered to Arabella through the incubator doors. We brought in an Easter bunny and placed it on her shelf. It was a pink 'mother bunny' holding a little 'baby bunny' between her arms. It was perfect. 

That's one of those moments I'll never forget. That was our first Easter together. 

So today we send our thoughts and prayers to families that can't all be together at the dinner table - families who have no choice but to spend Easter at the hospital. 

To everyone dealing with difficult situations, we send you all our love, hope and strength. Whatever happens, know that God is with you. After all, the spirit of Easter is about hope and faith. 

Wishing everyone a blessed Easter. 
Love Dan, Kiera, and Arabella 💗

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