Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Daddy's girl

It's great being a father to this little princess. Every day brings so much joy. 

Smiles, and smiles, and smiles...

A few weeks ago it was Father's Day.

It felt very different from the first one. This one felt right. Away from hospital walls, this is how it was supposed to feel, I suppose. 

Comfortable. Intimate. Worry-free.

What more does a dad need, than to have his girl by his side? She is the best gift I can ask for...

Each and every night, when my head hits the pillow, I tell God "thanks" for another amazing day, and I realize how lucky I am to have her in my life. I'm lucky to experience her love and laughter, and it's so much sweeter because I know how different things could have turned out. 

I can't imagine my life without her.

As soon as I come home from work, that smile greets me at the door and those little hands reach up to say, "Take me Dadda."

If that's not the best feeling in the world, then I don't know what is...

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