Sunday, May 12, 2019

Talk the talk and walk the walk!

It took Arabella a long time to start crawling. I mean a really long time. But once she figured it out there was no stopping her. Bella was crawling everywhere suddenly and it completely changed her world. And ours, too!

Then, of course, came walking. That was probably the biggest challenge. After all of the physiotherapy appointments, extra attention, special exercises, etc., we began to see a strong and confident little lady take her first steps. 

Here she was just starting out:

I can't describe the feeling when we saw her take those first steps. It brought tears to our eyes, because we never imagined witnessing something so incredible. Is this the 1 pound baby we saw in the incubator? So fragile and so weak? 

Life is such a trip. I'm blown away when I think back to where she started. 

These days Bella's fully walking on her own. Walking here, walking there, walking nearly everywhere! After her 2nd birthday she really took off - and she hasn't looked back since. It took her much longer than expected but it was so worth the wait. 

Just look at her go!

Arabella, you never cease to amaze and inspire us. We're so very proud of you!!!

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