When we came in to see Arabella today she was wide awake, quietly laying and looking around.
She must have been waiting for us 😃
When it's loud in our room, Belle's usually the quiet one. She still has the odd fussy moment, but her cries are not nearly as loud as the other babies.
We're still waiting for Belle's voice to fully come through. She squeaks a lot now. It's her latest thing. Very high pitched squeaks. She makes us laugh with some of the things she does.
Arabella's sugars have been good so far on the 3 hour feeds. Every 3 hours she's slowly fed 50ml through a big syringe on an automatic timer. The food gradually goes through her feeding tube and down into her stomach. This type of slow feed gives her better chances of adequate sugar levels, and it's overall easier on her digestion.
In terms of her breathing, they lowered her air pressure (typically called "peep") to level 7 on the mask today. The lowest pressure is 5 and it goes as high as 10 for babies.
She's continuously getting lots of vitamins and supplements to help her bones. Recently the staff started giving her 2000 IU of vitamin D. She's got a long way to go to strengthen her bones. Stronger bones and ribs will mean better breathing too. Everything is always connected somehow.
She was really tired by the end of the night, but it was clear that she wanted to squeeze every last minute with mom and dad before they left to go home.
It's so hard to leave her sometimes. I can't describe the feeling.
Her last weight was 2.76kg, which is over 6 pounds! We are thrilled, of course. Belle is far behind in terms of weight (compared to an average one month old girl) but she'll catch up eventually.
Bella isn't your average girl, anyway. She's making strides and that's the most important thing.
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