Monday, June 5, 2017

Belle Update: June 4

"Just hold my hand mommy."

Belle was her usual self today. A good girl. So calm and relaxed. 

I don't count her brief moments of crabbiness 😄

No one enjoys coming out of a warm bath and into the cold. Luckily, Arabella is quickly soothed. Her fussy moments don't last very long and within a minute she's back to being tranquil again. 

The doctors haven't changed her air pressure settings for a few days, so she's content. Breathing isn't a chore, and she doesn't have to work so hard. They pushed her a little too much last week, and she didn't appreciate it.

Belle can't handle any sudden changes, and she certainly doesn't like to be pushed. She demands to go at her own pace, and she continues to make that clear to the staff. 

"Hold on a second you guys. Let me catch my breath before you lower my settings again."

Arabella had low sugars again today so she was being pricked every 3 hours. It was back to constant check-ups until the glucose levels normalized, and they eventually did. 

Check one, two, three. Is this thing on? Do these sugar meds even work? 

That darn sugar. Kiera and I are hoping that she won't need to have her dosage increased. If she continues to get these random low results the doctors might be forced to, though. Bella would be all kinds of puffy at that point.

We bought Belle a mobile to hang above her crib today. The nurses encouraged us to go out and buy one, so we did. Now she can have something to look at when she's laying on her back.

She was so tired in the evening. The bath seemed to do the trick!

Another exciting day! 😃

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