Friday, June 23, 2017

Belle Update: June 22

Babies are so pure. They're so authentic. 

They represent all that is good, honest, and true. There is nothing disingenuous about them, and it's refreshing.

They really bring out the best in us.  

I've been missing this kind of authenticity in my life. Arabella calls me to be more honest, thoughtful and compassionate. She's a call to give back, and get over myself.

I guess you can say it's been a growing experience for all of us. 

I've learned that it's okay to let your guard down and be vulnerable. It's okay to love wholeheartedly, be sensitive or overly-concerned. It's okay to want to give yourself to the point of exhaustion. 

We've all done not-so-normal things in the name of love, friends, or family. 

It's about being there for one another. 

Today we had a lot of sweet cuddles with Arabella. We really enjoyed our time with her. She was so alert and playful at times.

We had to replace her old hat today, but before putting on her new one we got to marvel at the big girl looking back at us. 

Belle can only handle a short time without her mask, so we made sure to snap the quickest picture. She looked so different to us, but it was exciting to see her nose, cheeks, and all of her dark hair.

I love looking at her beautiful eyelashes, too.

She's such a light in our world. She inspires us to be better and to do better, and I love her for it. 

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