Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Parents' sacrifice

Arabella's fever went away this morning, but she's still on antibiotics in case there's an infection. So far the x-rays and blood work haven't shown us anything to worry about.

She looked like her regular self to us, so hopefully last night was just a false alarm. 

We cuddled her for hours and hours at a time, and she slept really well in our arms. Poor girl was so tired, but she still found time to be playful with mom and dad. 

I think we're all exhausted. 

When you're tired, it makes tough days even tougher. We need more strength and energy to deal with the daily ups and downs, but sleep isn't always easy to come by. 

It feels like there are a million chores waiting for us at home. Things still need to get done around the house so you end up cutting into your sleep. On other nights (when you actually want to go to bed early) you might lay there for hours, looking up at the ceiling in wonder...

Thinking. Praying. Anything but sleeping...

Some days we overdo it, and it's 100% our fault. We simply can't help ourselves. We stay too late or too long because we don't feel good leaving until Arabella's asleep. 

Sometimes we stay late because she's going through a procedure, or because she's unwell and we want to support her. 

Tonight we soothed her while the nurses inserted a new IV line for her antibiotic. They blew a vein in both of her legs before finding a good vein in her arm. 

Arms outstretched, Belle was certainly done for the night. 

For a little girl, she goes through a lot sometimes. There's always something bringing her pain or discomfort. She's constantly challenged by the staff too, so it never really ends for her. As parents, we naturally want to be there to help her through all of this. 

What parent out there hasn't lost sleep because their little one had a bad cold or a fever during the night? We're like every parent out there, doing the exact same thing.

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