Tuesday, February 28, 2017

A bucket full of tulips

Last night was somewhat difficult. We went to visit Belle and she had dropped another 10 grams. Kiera and I started to get really worried. You don't want to see trends like that. Hopefully it's just her shedding water weight and not a sign of anything else. She now weighs 530 grams.

My parents came to visit Arabella last night as well. My dad reassured us not to worry. Kiera was distraught. Crying helps.

Together we all said a prayer around her incubator and blessed her.

Everyone did warn us that this was going to be a journey. 

My mom and dad gave us these pretty white tulips to take home. We didn't have a vase at the rental suite so we used a garbage bucket from the bathroom and washed it out. Whatever works, right? I really don't care. They're beautiful. Thanks mom and dad 💕

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