Friday, February 24, 2017

Little sheep

This little sheep is the only real piece of furniture that we bought for the baby. After about week 21 or 22 we were too scared to buy anything else (due to the complications). Arabella was a severe IUGR baby and we were preparing for the worst. 

We had a few clothes for the baby in drawers, tucked away. They were out of sight. But this little sheep was always standing by. Watching. 

During the scary and uncertain times this sheep felt like it was tormenting me. Seeing it made me cry at one point, I'm pretty sure. I didn't want to see it. 

Now when I look at it, it reminds me of how close we were to losing her. Those memories and that fear is still too familiar. 

Hopefully when we come back home in a few months time it will be with a healthy, happy and thriving Arabella. This is our only wish right now.

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